Wednesday, May 30, 2012

(Sex) Think Wisely

SEX IS JUST AS MUCH SPIRITUAL AS IT IS PHYSICAL,so WHEN U SLEEP with some1,U PICK UP THEIR SPIRITS.Thats why U are supposed2wait til U get married or at least only have1partner because they can unintentionally give YOU THEIR energy,whether it may be good or bad.God ordained1partner in marriage,because the two shall become 1),So,,,choose your partner or (unforunately)YOUR partners wisely!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


"Just Because A Person Loves Y0U Doesn`t Mean THEY Won`t HURT/BETRAY Y0U....S0,Think M0RE with The Mind,and LESS WITH THE HEART!♥

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Unless You Change How You Are. You'll Always Have What You've Got.

                                                                   ----Jim Rohn---                                       

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The worst thing you can do is  not be YOU! Be yourself at all times. Love YOU embrace who YOU are and what YOU are. And then and ONLY then you will be content with YOURSELF!